Edward Gorey Etchings Sale Information

Edward Gorey Original Etchings
Limited Edition prints for sale at the Edward
Gorey House
All etchings are hand-pulled from plates by Edward Gorey and printed at the
atelier of
  Elizabeth Andrews of Ithaca NY.
“A” signifies that the etchings were completed and
printed during Edward’s life and are signed by
Edward Gorey
“B” signifies that the etchings were printed after
Edward’s death in order to finish out a print series
that was begun during his life. These etchings are
embossed with Edward’s signature
“C” signifies that the etchings were never
produced during Edward’s life and are embossed
with Edward Gorey’s signature

 signifies a numbered edition, limited to number authorized per etching
“PP” signifies that the etchings is a one-of-a kind Printer's Proof
“AP” signifies that the etchings is an Artist's Proof
“L” refers to lettered edition, A - Z, only 26 issued
*Etchings are listed with Size of Paper (Size of image)*

Member discount cannot be applied to the purchase of etchings
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these etchings, or have
any questions regarding them; Please contact
The Edward Gorey House:
(508) 362-3909